Things that drive me crazy

ok, so we all have things that drive us crazy, well haha, this is what drives me up the frekin wall
1. when people ask stupid questions for attention or to be the class clown and make fun of the teacher

2. when people say "that's whats up" what's up??? the sky, ceiling?? those freking birds??? wth are you talking about???!

3.people that talk either really loudly in a shopping center, or talk in the movie and say "OH YA, WHICH MOVIE?? OH YA I'M WATCHING______ AHAHAHA!! THAT'S SO FUNNY! IKR I CAN'T BELIEVE SO AND SO DIES AT THE END, I'VE SEEN THIS MOVIE 5 TIMES, AHAHAHA"
-_-" Really, really?? people come on, get a clue or get the hell out of the theater

4. when guys stare at one girl and watch her walk away... wow

5. when someone asks me "does it bite??? how many teeth does your lizard have?? does it shoot blood outta it's eyes?" ok i understand the confusion, but do you really think i would bring something evil to school (my bearded dragon) then they say "are you sure it doesn't bite?? can i jab it with my pencil? will it bite me then" to answer your stupid question he's never bit anyone in his 5 year life that i've owned him (since he was a mere hatchling) but in your case i hope it bites you... HARD!!!

6. my last pet peve is when someone comments and says "you have bad grammer" well no hell i have bad grammer, i was out of school for most of my life due to some medical problems -_- if you don't have anything nice to say, then SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!
June 1st, 2012 at 03:54am