To My 'When I Think About You' and 'Born To Love You' Readers

I apologize for not updating today. :< I went to the optometrist today and I just got home since I got a new pair of glasses because my old pair got thrown out of the car and run over by another car. No joke. Here's how it happened: I pulled up by the side of the road and took my glasses off for a few minutes since I was getting a headache. And, my bitch of a cousin decided that it would be fun to whack me in the head with the giant teddy bear that I keep in the car for Nikki,my adorable little niece, for when she falls asleep in the back and doesn't have a pillow to cuddle. And, not only did she manage to hit my head (and give me a migraine), but the bear's head hit my hand (she held the bear by the legs; it's a big bear... like... Three feet tall..) and my glasses came flying out the window just as another car was passing by.

So, that's how my cousin murdered my glasses. My new ones rock, though! Again, I'm really sorry. But, it's not my fault that I have a bitch for a cousin... and that glasses rake a long time to make. Sorry! :<
June 1st, 2012 at 12:41pm