Things to do when you're stuck at home.

Here's the deal, I'll be 18 in a month and haven't gotten my driver's license yet. I'm working on it though and practicing when I can, while studying to get my permit. One might ask "Why not just wait until you turn 18 and take the test to get your actual license?"

Well, in the state I live in, they've changed the laws so that you have to jump through all kinds of hoops just to be able to drive a damn car. The law used to be that, once you turned 18 you could go take your driving test, get a permit that you only had to keep for 30 days, then go back and take a test to get your license when those 30 days were up. Sounds reasonable enough, right? Apparently that just wasn't complicated enough. Now, when I pass my permit test, I have to keep my permit for 6 months just like I would have to if I were 16. Then after those six months are up, I have to go take an "intermediate license" test, which will allow me to drive alone and with up to 2 passengers.

This wouldn't be much of a problem if I lived in a moderately large city, where it wouldn't be a problem to walk where you need to go, but sadly I don't. I live in a small southern town where driving is a necessity if you want to do anything and most of the roads are very narrow and curvy so it would be too much of a risk to try to walk anywhere on them anyway.

So since I can't even drive alone for at least 6 months, which means I can't have a job and I don't exactly have anyone who can just chauffeur me around whenever I need, I'll probably be spending a lot of time at home in the coming months. I've only been out of school for two weeks and I've found myself with absolutely nothing to do. Sure I've been out with a couple times, but obviously one can't do that everyday, so most of the time I find myself laying around in sweats most of the time, farting around on the computer or watching trashy TV. I've become very depressed sitting and doing nothing all the time, I feel useless and worthless even though I know I'm not. I know I have tons of potential but I feel like I'm rotting my brain. I feel like such a loser. I really regret not going for my permit as soon as I turned 16, it feels so degrading being almost 18 and having to bum rides from family members and friends.

Has anyone else ever been in a situation similar to mine? I need a hobby, just something I can throw myself into and work on and be productive with. I'm completely open for suggestions. If you have any, please let me know.
June 1st, 2012 at 01:40pm