Long Live Us


So, All Time Low released their first single from their upcoming album this afternoon. After only listening to a handful of times, it is already stuck in my head. Catchy as hell!

And refreshing to hear. I don't think it sounds like anything on their previous two albums, nor do I think it really sounds that much like SWIR (So Wrong, It's Right) like the guys had mentioned.

But you can decide for yourself, because it is a free download on alltimelow.com. >> So go take a listen. Let me know what you think. I want everyone's opinions on this long-awaited song.

In the world of Randi (i.e. me!): I cannot wait for this week to be over and for this new house to be completely unpacked. I can't take the boxes and disorganization. I'm not very good with living out of a box. I feel like I can't find anything when I want to.. ugh. So here's to a productful weekend.
June 1st, 2012 at 11:33pm