So I Have Started To Read: Fifty Shades of Grey...

I thought i'd go ahead and see what all the hype was about after seeing so much about it on the internet, and then even hearing about it on tv. I ended just after the part where 'Ana' and Christian have sex for the first time. I was really hoping I wasn't the only one who found the book a vapid piece of trash. And to my surprise, after searching the tag on tumblr I was very pleased with seeing that others found it shitty as well. The whole dominance bit completely through me the fuck off. Tbh it was pretty revolting. And I'm not speaking on the 'playroom' bit. The rules bit is what through me off. And how even before that, throughout the piece of the novel that I did read 'Ana' is just this helly weak ass little bitch individual and it is probably the thing I hate most in main characters. Least to say, I will probably not pick up my illegally downloaded copy again. This has been a very short poorly written book review. I may do more of these "So I Have Started To Read..." 's at some other point. And they will probably be much more detailed as I am writing this from my iPhone. Until then, if anyone does happen to read this, Please comment and tell me what you guys think of the book. Whether you love it or hate it.
June 1st, 2012 at 11:46pm