I feel like my body is slowly trying to kill itself. [Plus things of the read/comment type.]

I mean really. So far this week, I have managed to:

1. Fall down in the Wal*Mart parking lot and split open my knee, the palm of my hand, and my septum and chin.

2. Nearly cut myself with a box cutter at work because I wasn't watching what I was doing.

3. Somehow get my cell phone charger's cord tangled around my neck in my sleep. And...

4. Less then five minutes ago, I nearly fell down my stairs.




Body, why are you killing me? I don't want to die, I want to live!

Live, I say!




On that note, Mibba.

Bring me your tired, your weary, your attention starved, your perfect stories!

Lend them to me, and I shall comment upon them and there will be much love.

June 2nd, 2012 at 04:20am