Left School Now :( + Questions on how to use the new mibba

Well, on Thursday, I left School...no prior warning, we just went into a yr 11 assembly at 3:10pm, and our Headmaster said 'after 3:30 today, you have no need to come back yr 11, you are all leaving today'. It was really emotional, even for the big rugby-playing hard lads - some of them are big softies at heart.
I've only got to go back to school now for a few exams, and revision sessions, but after that, i'm no longer a 16-year-old Etone School student, In essence, i'm entering the real world...and starting 6th form in September....and thats another massive decision I have to make, i'm still not 100% certain where i'm going, and what courses to do... do I put my strong friendships ahead of my further education? I have no clue :(

1 - How do I insert pictures onto a blog? ( I know a few friends who always add pictures to their blogs, but I don't know how :( )
2 - Has mibba chat now gone for good?
June 2nd, 2012 at 03:10pm