If You Can't Hang

Do you guys mind if I complain? I know a lot of people do it, but I was just wondering if I could. If you don't want to listen to my bitching you can either wait until the little *End of Rant* sign, or you can just leave. Either way I promise it won't hurt my feelings.

*Beginning of Rant*

I had plans with my boyfriend for like a month now. He was coming with me to get my first tattoo and my belly button pierced. I've been really excited for this because it was our one year anniversary. One freaking year together! We had plans set in stone. Going out and getting my tattoo and piercing, then we were going to go out for dinner, then we were going to see that movie Snow White and the Huntsman. He knew how important this was for me. I was also pretty sure that he wasn't as in love with me as I was with him... but I didn't expect this. Honestly I think it's pretty low for anyone.

So what happened was that I waited for like, two hours for him, then decided to call him. He didn't answer so I waited a little bit longer. Then I got really annoyed with him so I decided to get my friend to pick me up and take me to his house. I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe him to be passed out, or sleeping, or playing video games, but what I didn't expect was him making out with some playboy bunny with a tramp stamp. (No offense to anyone who may look like that or have a tramp stamp) I asked what was going on and all he said was to leave. So I did. And I'm not going back...

*End of Rant*

Now I just fell like crap. Most of my friends are out of town for the weekend and I don't know what to do. I'm to angry too really be heartbroken, but I'm to heartbroken to really do anything else. I think I knew this was coming but I didn't want to believe it...

So if anyone decided to skip the rant, I'll sum it up. My boyfriend (now ex) cheated on me, stood me up, and dumped me on our one year anniversary. Whoop-dee-doo right? Anyone have any idea what to do when something like this happens?

Last thing, the title of this blog/journal is a song by Sleeping With Sirens. It kinda fits my situation I guess and it's the very first song I heard by them so it's really special to me. Check it out sometime if you feel like listening to something. It's a great song.

'Kay. I'm done now.
June 3rd, 2012 at 03:26am