Teen Pregnancy

Hi guys,

Just an uber quick rant.

I recently came across a story called 14 and Pragnant. I couldn't even bring myself to read the story. The description was enough for me and to be honest, it left me horrified.

I'm all for throwing pregnacy into stories to add a twist. But being so young and writing about it... It's just a shock for me.
When I was that young I was worried about school, friends, homework and only just starting to worry about boys I l8ked, but definitely not sex.
I don't understand. Do kids these days really think they need to be sexually active? I wasn't sexually active until I was nearly 17, and even then I honestly don't think i was ready for the burden of responsibility.
I am almost 23 and I am not ready for the responsibility of a baby. That's just my personal choice, but for people who are clearly not mature enough this stuff shouldn't even be occurring in their brains. Sex isn't something to be played around with lightly. ESPECIALLY not at that age.
Do they feel it makes them more of an adult? Is it because it's the 'cool' thing to do?
I don't know.
What are your thoughts on the matter?
It honestly makes me sick to think that all these young, beautiful people feel the need to be sexually active or even by writing about being sexually active and getting pregnant.
What happened to childhood? What happened to sweet innocence of being a young teenager?
Maybe I'm just getting old.

June 3rd, 2012 at 08:57am