Any diabetes experts out there?

So long story short, my boyfriend has Type 1 Diabetes. He's normally okay about taking care of himself, but I know he isn't the best. The other day he was so low that he nearly passed out, and I had to drive him to the gas station and grab something for him to eat.

My problem is that he won't talk to me about it. He won't check himself in front of me and refuses to give himself shots when I'm around. I know he's embarrassed about it, but I feel like it's something I need to know about.

I've been looking around the internet, but all I can seem to find is information on what he should and shouldn't eat. I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for, but I know that since Mibba is such a big community, there has to be someone here who knows about diabetes.

Another thing I've tried to talk to him about is his drinking and chewing. Since we've started dating he hasn't drank alcohol, but he still chews. He's only done it in front of me once, but he always has cans with him. I know these things are bad for him in general, but does it effect him more since he's diabetic?

I'd be super grateful if anyone would like to help me out here!
June 3rd, 2012 at 07:20pm