We're All Just Kids Who Grew Up Way Too Fast

Hey Mibba! Sorry for being a no show for the past 6 months. Busy life! Between school and rowing, I literally had NO time for a life. Now that it is summer, I have at least the afternoons off (since i'm rowing in the morning) to RELAX!

Anyways, the highlights of the weekend, which lead to the major point of this blog entry:

First, school ended on Thursday for my home high school, and Friday for my Governor's School. Yay! No more chemistry and calculus!

After each day, I had a lovely job interview at the same place. One interview for a job sorting plankton in a laboratory (for ten bucks an hour, I'll work everyday!), and the other was for my senior year mentorship project.

Yesterday, my best friend of over 4 years graduated high school. We met while rowing in my eighth grade year and we have been very close ever since. After watching the Glee graduation episode a couple weeks prior, I knew it was going to be a sad time.

I was correct.

The whole time at her graduation party, I just kept thinking about how fast high school has been progressing. I still remember my first day of High School clearly. Walking into school, not knowing where to go. And now, in three months and one day, I will be stepping into m.y school for the last first day of high school ever. Tomorrow, I meet with college coaches. In a year and 5 days, I will step foot on the stage and receive my diploma. My life is progressing so fast that reality is trying to avoid sinking in.

I literally have a year until I am an adult moving on to figure out what to do with her life.
It is scary.

So if you actually took the time to read this, and you are a rising senior like me (or a rising freshman in college), do you feel like this? I love leaving my blogs open for discussion afterwards. Share your thoughts and opinions about high school and senior year.


P.S: Blog title is lyrics from the song "Living Louder" by The Cab. Check them out ;)
June 4th, 2012 at 12:29am