Love Untitled

Funny how we all think that “happily ever after” does exist. Funny how, we all look for our princes and not notice the person capable of loving you at front. It would be wonderful if our heart is protected and the only one capable of unlocking it is the right man: the right prince. By this age, I’ve not went through enough to speak expert about love, I barely know about it but I give much, maybe that’s where I got it wide of the mark, maybe I give too much, expect too much and soon be hurt too much. I won’t lie by saying that once in my life; I haven’t loved a certain person that came to my life. I did, and I hope I’m not doing the same gaffe twice.

Crazy how, we believe at a guy’s words indisputably like he’s some knight in a shining armor ready to save the damsel from her distress. Well I guess, that’s because we make our own castle in the sky, our own fairy tale. We wish for something that does not exist, but I guess it does but only in our dreams. If you want to experience that “happily ever after”, you have to find the right man or woman who’d love you for who you are, the one who’ll give his or her time just to talk, laugh, and spend the rest of his/her lifetime with you and don’t fail to find that person who’ll be willing to let you feel love the other way around.

P.S Love is just around the corner, once you feel it: don’t go overboard, enjoy the process, cherish every moment but always protect your heart.

June 4th, 2012 at 06:12am