Wonderful how crazy life is

In an interesting turn of events a ton has happened in the past couple months that I haven't got to write about. So I'll start at the semi-begining here.

1.I went out with my old old old gf(never write about before)for a week then mutally ended it.
2. I met this dude in PE and went out with him for about a month
3. Broke up with him to be with my exes ex gf and that ended very confussingly
4. I went back out with girl from two above. She ended it that time
5. And most unexpectingly I fell for the girl I had worried that Katie had fallen for when we were together.Remember the new girl I metioned....I asked her out and she said yes
6. So funny because this Thursday is her birthday and also we will have been together three mothes already. Amazing since everyone JUST found out before school let out. Lol
With her.... things are different it was love at first sight for me and she says the same

and also I learned how to make youtube videos. Look me up! Kpopgirlygirl
June 4th, 2012 at 09:31am