My Thoughts on Everything.

I wonder when people say/post things, if they think anything through. Now, I mean, I'm one of those people that sometimes doesn't think everything through, but that's one reason I don't post on Tumblr anymore. Too many prying eyes. I feel like every post that actually mentions how I feel, causes resentment or makes my Cass friends think I'm failing at everything.
I resent a lot of things and people, but I don't make it known. I mean, honestly, I'm courteous to everyone I don't like, and I've been trying to be friendly with everyone.
Apparently my ex said he'd call whoever pisses him off this year a "dumb c***". I was kinda amused to be honest. We've been fine though. This is the best we've gotten along since he's called me a bitch, but I think he knows I won't put up with it either. We don't talk unless we have to for band. It's easier that way.


I conducted yesterday, for the first time, in front of the 2012 Marching Braves. I spent an hour of practice with percussion too. I actually really enjoyed that. Percussion and I have been fine. My ex actually was watching me too, so that was nice. Tip of advice for any drum majors: start conducting for your drumline as soon as possible. I followed Bradley a lot yesterday, but they all still paid attention. I was very thankful, haha.
See, the thing is... our drum majors normally don't spend anytime with percussion until band camp sectionals, so I think we were all surprised yesterday.


Liz, our drum major instructor, is from my old school. She's been a great help to Jessica and I, and I really like her. She doesn't talk much, but when she does, it's witty and straight to the point. I also like it because her and I agree on a lot of things, so I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing everything.


I like when people still think that I'm 'less than them', even though I'm in the same grade as them and have the same amount of experience. Seniors, yeah, I get that, bros. But it makes me so amused when people think that in my own grade. I've marched two years too, so it's alright. Breathe. I do know marching. Honestly. Marching is my forte.


Megan went home to Tennessee last weekend. Michael's moving out soon. My parents are getting along again too, thankfully.
June 5th, 2012 at 07:10pm