I've been thinking.

Where is the beginning, and where is the end? Or is life more like a loop? If it’s a loop, are we stuck on repeat? Is the loop crumbling a little more every time it comes around again? Do we only get one chance with these things? Or can we try to make things better a second time? Or does that just make it worse? Why do these things even matter?

I realized this year, and again as I was writing my graduation speech, that I mean a lot to people. That I’ve had huge impacts on people’s lives. That there are people who are still alive right now because of something I said or did. That, in a way, I’ve become the Mockingjay. I’ve become their voice, their symbol, their leader. But at the same time, I want them to realize that they don’t need me to be that for them. That they’re stronger than they think.

When you become someone that others look up to, who they know will pick them up if they fall, who they can lean on and trust, who do you look up to? Who picks you up? Who can you lean on and trust? Because even if they don’t let other people see it, even the heroes are broken (part of the reason I liked Watchmen).

I’m glad that I’ve become someone that other people look to, but in a way it makes things harder, because when the “strong” ones break, when we have our downs, people notice that. They see it, and I for one, feel terrible when that happens, because I feel like I’ve let people down. But I suppose we have to fall, otherwise how would we lead others through the darkness?

Has it always been this way? Has humanity always been this shattered, and lost, and confused, and broken? Or is it worse now?
June 5th, 2012 at 10:28pm