Death of the Concert Ticket?

The times are a changin'. With technology advancing like crazy, the future of the age-old paper concert tickets (the ones I/we grew up receiving, using, saving for memory's sake) is hanging in the balance.

This article, on (which may take a few minutes to load if you plan on taking a look), describes the history of concert tickets (which dates back to 600 BC) and the majority of 'new-age' tickets out there today.

According to the article, the existence of paper concert tickets is up to us fans. Many of us (I know I) still would like a permanent reminder of a great night of music. And that is the only reason paper tickets are still around, and probably why they will continue to stay.

I am a fan of technology and the future, but a ticket that I can save and dig up one day, far down the road, will always be held more precious than an emailed copy or whatever it may be. Some things just cannot be replaced - in my mind.

What're your thoughts on paper concert tickets versus the alternatives? Do you choose the convenient email/mobile ticket that you can receive almost immediately, or the old-fashioned ticket stub that you have to wait days (sometimes weeks) to receive in the mail? Do you have a preference or is it all the same as long as you see the artist/band that you wanted to see?
June 6th, 2012 at 02:02am