Why I'm Called a Creep

It's funny because I have never been called that in the sense where I have stalked or followed someone or anything like that. Sure, I have said weird things that can be misconstrued as creepy but they aren't meant to be, at all.

Do you get that feeling when you're reading a book or story and you just let loose this giant rush of laughter that you have no control over?

How about speaking to characters in a book while you are still reading?

That is why I am called a creep in my home. My siblings love to remind me of that all the time. They stare at me as though whatever it is I reacted to couldn't possibly be as funny as I'm making it out to be, or as mind boggling, or sad.

It's weird in my mind that they would look at me the way they do though. I mean they aren't the ones who read what I was reading so it's not like they can really judge it as not funny. And then when I tried to explain what exactly is going on to let them in on why I'm laughing or crying (or murmuring to myself) they rush to tell me that they don't care.

Are you serious? How are you going to give me such an inquisitive look and then refuse to listen to the explanation.

The only thing that they should worry about is the fact that my laugh may be slightly obnoxious, or that my sobbing is too loud.

So, I'm a creep because I am far too emotionally invested in what I read, which I think is a great thing. To each their own creepiness, I guess.
June 6th, 2012 at 02:11am