Just Some Thoughts

After reading an article, and it's comments, that was speaking about Marilyn Monroe and this sort of justification for being over-weight, it made me think about something.

Being obese or "overweight" is looked down upon, by many people. Obese people are thought of as being lazy and eating horrible food, like junk food and fast food and all that garbage, and generally seem to enjoy killing themselves with whatever it is that they're doing to make themselves that way, yes?

Now, let's take that idea, and add it to one of the comments in the article where one of our users said, "I think if you're healthy, by that I mean you eat relatively well and exercise, it doesn't matter what size you are."

Now her opinion is what started me really thinking. There are wonderful people, like her, in the world who don't judge bigger people; however, most of the population will look at a bigger or heavier person and automatically assume that they don't care that they look that way and are continuing to "ruin" their bodies. They don't know that that person has been on a diet for the past three years and eats incredibly healthy. They don't know that that person runs every morning and does everything within their power to lose weight. They also don't know that that person might have a thyroid problem, or take medication that causes them to gain weight/makes it incredibly difficult for them to lose weight.

However, none of that is important to them because they only see the bigger, fat-filled body. And the judging doesn't just stop when they see the larger person, it gets exceptionally worse if they spot the larger person eating. Because, you know, larger people have so much fat that they don't have to eat (please note my sarcasm).

Why can't people just accept that other's are bigger? Why do people have to guilt us into wanting to be skinny? What is wrong with wanting there to be someone for us to look up to while we're fat? Are you telling me that by there being someone who is overweight and happy that that will make me not want to fit into a smaller pant size? THAT'S RIDICULOUS! That would be like saying that because someone's friend gets a driver's license, then that person will stop striving to get their license.

People are just...preposterous.
June 6th, 2012 at 05:26am