I Need More Coffee.

Good news: I think I might have fixed my layout problems. It's not perfect, but at least the text and the picture are in the right place now, so that's a plus.

Bad news: I have to work in an hour.

I should be happy that I have to work at 10 and not 8 or 9, but I don't want to work at all so it's hard to be happy about it. Besides I've been up since 7:30 so it doesn't really matter.
I'd rather stay home and write. Especially since I always come up with ideas while I'm at work and then forget them by the time I get home. And I started writing something this morning so I don't really want to stop. Especially not if I have to stop so I can serve people sandwiches.
Can I make money being a writer yet? Anyone want to hire me to write something? I'm dying here. One year away from a degree in professional writing and no clue what to do with it.

Oh well.
I've lived my life with the idea that opportunities will present themselves when I need them too. Sure I might have to prod them a bit but I'm not worried about it.

June 6th, 2012 at 03:13pm