we had a day of remarkable chemistry

we had a day of remarkable chemistry. it flooded the brain and seared through blood vessels and grew in the chest, bursting and shattering shards of bright flame in networks under the skin. methiopropamine, 6-apdb. dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline. energy. i locked onto your eyes, pools of spiral arms and starry distances crammed into slow-moving depths, endless spaces. you said mine were endless; then what were yours? you swayed in the streetlight, mirrored my movements, unblinking and radiating the warmth and impossible wholeness that i felt. your words, the feel of your skin and your mouth - you felt completely untouched, completely devoid of bacteria or dust or any other micro-objects picked up from surfaces. energy, beginning in the chest and radiating, expanding slowly, brimming and spilling as tears in our eyes and falling down our cheeks, tearing down all barriers and making us draw breath. we drew breath, sucked it in through our teeth, felt it tingle on the tongue and evolve into life, into energy, eyes fluttering and closing involuntarily with a small release of sound, a small moan in the throat as the energy pulsed and pounded and burned. half the night we stayed in the street with a duvet and innumerable cigerettes, the smoke of which felt lighter than air. i re-found the power of natural speech and we swapped words. the way you swayed and breathed, the way you touched my face with an expression of astonishment. there was so much flow, so much flowing through us. we didn't know where the pills ended and we began: either way, it was chemistry.
June 7th, 2012 at 04:33pm