New Mibba

So who actually likes the new Mibba?
No one? Good, okay.
So I've played around a bit when I have nothing better to do and I've learnt how to get your orignal profile back on (hardest thing ever but so what it's there now). I remember reading the post Dujo created and everyone was really excited and I was thinking "huh, am I the only one that doesn't want to let go?" I mean change is good yes, but not when you are trying to become mainstream to fit in!
This is why the majority of users on Mibba once lived in the land of Quizillians (Quizilla), Quizilla became mainstream and people said "F*** that I'm moving to Mibba!" and everyone held hands and sang songs and had a brilliant time. Now Mibba has become mainstream...yes it's kept the colour scheme but it hasn't kept the logo, or the web addresses (it used to be "" for the main site and "" for people's work), the names aren't the same I mean why not actually call a 'recomendation' that not a 'Rec' seriously who designed this thing? A mainstream cheerleader from Ohio (nothing personal Ohio, it was just the first state to come to mind).

So Dujo, all us old members have something to say to you and your little band of Dujo followers "TURN MIBBA BACK!"

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June 7th, 2012 at 06:52pm