An Update About Weeble.

We've just gotten back from the vets. The hole he had created has been glued together to help it heal and he has been given antibiotics to be given twice a day to make sure the wound does not get infected at all.

He's still a bit weak but that's to be expected. :) He's hobbling around the place but he's happy as can be. And, for once, he really likes the antibiotics. So it's all looking up.

Thank you everyone who kept him in your thoughts, sent him good vibes, wished he'd be okay and prayed for him. I really did appreciate it and who knows, it could be because of you that he's here right now.

Little fella's gonna be treated sooooo much. Gonna get that weight back on him now. Thank you again everyone!!


Weeble yesterday. Took us two hours to get that bandage on him. Took him under an hour to get it off. -.- Little monster.
June 7th, 2012 at 07:03pm