Desperate Girls.

This is something that's been on my mind for a while now. Girls that are so desperate that they feel they like they absolutely NEED to have a boyfriend at all times. I'm not talking about girls who have been in the same steady, stable relationship for a long time. I'm talking about girls who will stay in a sh*tty on-again off-again relationship just because they feel as though they have to be with someone. And if they're not in a relationship, then they're actively seeking one and will latch on for dear life to the first guy who will have anything to do with them. The reason this has been on my mind is because I feel like my step sister has become one of those girls.

My step sister really pisses me off sometimes. She's so desperate and attention-starved. She's been dating this guy for like 8 months now and ever since they started dating she's been talking about them getting married, how she already has her engagement ring picked out, her wedding dress picked out, and their future kids' names picked out. (Psycho much?) And this girl is only 19. The thing is, he has broken up with her 3 times already, with the break-ups being about a week long. And she always practically begs for him to take her back, and then acts like she has the perfect relationship. It's so pathetic. Honey I'm sorry, but if you two have not even been together a year and have already had 3 break-ups, then it's probably time to just throw in the towel.

They were broken up last week when my boyfriend and I went over to my dad's house so I could introduce him to my dad. She was shooting me some very nasty looks while we were all sitting in the living room chatting. Now, I really hate to play the "jealous" card, but I really do think that she was upset that I'm in a relationship and she at the time was not. I know that sounds odd, but I have known this girl for years and that is something she would be jealous of. It's like she's one of those girls who think that they MUST have a relationship.

Do any of you know anybody like this?
June 7th, 2012 at 08:49pm