Slow Spinning Redemption

Not sure if anyone will see this, but I figured I'd take a shot :P I'm currently working on chapter 8 of Slow Spinning Redemption, usually it would be done by now, but between taking my mini vacation to visit my family, my roommates graduation, work and then moving back home I haven't had the time to sit down and write.

Even now that i'm home when i think i have the time, i've been pulled out of the house and asked to go do things(apparently i have much more of a social life here then back in San Diego...who knew? :P) But i'm pretty sure i have a free day tomorrow(or today as it's now 1am) so i'm going to write and unpack. I'm hoping (fingers crossed) to have the new chapter for you guys next week, and i promise it'll be super long for you guys!!!!!

Sorry for the wait, i swear i'm working on it now!!

June 8th, 2012 at 10:00am