Hi! My name is James and I don't like girls!

Just to reiterate:
Hi! My name is James and I don't like girls!

At the startlingly young age of 4 years, I, James Last-name-that-you-don't-need-to-know-in-case-you-decide-to-stalk-me-on-the-Facebook-or-something, decided that girls were just not worth my time. Really, they were petty, and delicate and loud, and quiet and obnoxious, and unnoticeable, and frilly and I just didn't like them. Boys were just much more fun. Most liked to play footie or roll in the mud; whereas girls, oh those girls, they liked swings and playing horses (what the fuck does that even comprise of?) and tea and playing HOUSE of all things and GOOD LORD, 4 YEAR-OLD JAMES JUST COULD NOT HANDLE IT.

So he said no to girls and yes to boys!

And that's why he's now a flaming homosexual with a neurotic mother and adulterous father.

The End c:


Because I'm secretly the biggest nerd out there, wanna direct me to some decent Harry Potter fanfics - I can't get enough! HPFF has gotten lame - I just go for the pretty bannered ones!

kthnxbai xx
June 9th, 2012 at 06:11am