Sleep, amongst other things.

Its currently 2:27 a.m. (GAH! I hate uneven times! Or times that don't end in 5...WEIRD CHILD AND PROUD.) and I'm really tired. Normally, I can stay up past 4 a.m., but this past week I haven't been able to.

I blame this guy. His code name is Salad. We kissed last summer, have been talking ever since, he's had two girlfriends since then and talked to one while we were talking, my mom and one of my friends don't like him yada yada. I'm afraid that since he *just* got out of a relationship, that he's only saying this stuff because he feels like he needs to be in a relationship, but at the same time...what if he really does like me? He's almost an hour away and the conversation WAS one of those "what if" ones, but we were up until 6 a.m. talking! He was talking about sex and oral and what I would do and stuff for the last hour, but before that he was all "you're hot and really pretty, I genuinely like you, we have a lot of similar interests, we can trust each other enough that the communication would always be open..." I don't know whether he's saying it to get in my pants orrrr if he's being truthful :/ BUT OF COURSE, he got his phone taken away and hasn't texted me back all week. He facebook messaged me saying he would get a texting app for his ipod and talk to me through there, but he hasn't. My best guy friend says to go for it, but I'm not so sure.

Ew, my room suddenly go realllllllllllllly hot and stuffy.

I think this is my third blog layout hahaha. Wah, I want to make them myself :(

Well, George Lopez is over and its too late to watch Transformers and my period cramps are too painful to stay up.

I need to stop blabbing about him. Ugh.
June 10th, 2012 at 08:36am