My dealings with broken glass and Castiel.

You'll never guess what my dumb butt did this weekend. I actually punched through a glass window. Wasn't as hard as you'd think, if you think that. Fifteen minutes after it happened, I blacked out. The ambulance came and everything. Now my hand looks like a badly wrapped mummy arm. It's covered in bandaids from the middle of my arm to the tips of my fingers.

No glass was stuck in my hand, 'cept a huge chunk the paramedics pulled out. My mom called 911 when I fainted. Ugh. Terrible Friday night, let me tell you.

Lesson here: NEVER punch through glass. It's hard as fudge to clean up.

(Sam, did you just say fudge?
Yes. Yes I did.)

Anyway, on to Castiel. If any of you Supernatural fans are reading this, I might have a story that's up your alley.

I got into the show about a month ago and, like a lot of other people, fell in love with Cas the Friendly Angel. Misha Collins is wonderful and his character is lovely. And hilarious. And occasionally scary.

Anyway, I'm on episode 18 of Season 5. Still have a long, long way to go. But along my travels, I've managed to come up with an original character and a plot. And, of course, her lover will be Castiel.

Now, I'm not going to post anything till I've finished the series and am all caught up. But I'm writing as I go, and I'm actually pretty happy with myself.

Here's a link, if anyone cares to take a gander.

I'm still messing with it, tweaking, what have you.

I'm also working on a Captain Jack Sparrow fanfic. That's coming along okay.

Who else had trouble figuring out the story layouts? Jfc, took me a minute. Also messing with blog layouts. Heh.

Well, that's all for now.

Remember kids: Broken glass is a pain and Castiel is gorgeous. Ta-ta.
June 10th, 2012 at 09:16am