Day Three.

Saturday June 9, 2012. Went to Bridgette's Open house today. Wasn't there very long because I had to work at 3. Derek had come with me so he just had Cody come pick him up at Arbys. I'm so sick of Cody it's Unbelievable. Cody used to be like a brother to me, so naturally he always kind of picked on me. But he's been such an ass lately. It's not even sarcastic mean it's gotten to the point of being just rude. And Derek won't say a word to him. I've talked to Derek about it twice now and the fact that he won't even tell Cody to back off a little bit is kind of really getting on my nerves. I probably won't see Derek at all tomorrow but next time I see him we're going to have to talk because that's not okay. I'm not asking him to beat Cody up for me or something like that I just want him to be less of a Dick because the stuff he says lately honestly hurts me. We used to be close so he knows all of my insecurities and uses them to tear me down. Dick. Anyway more tomorrow.
June 10th, 2012 at 09:20am