Just 'Cause I Feel Like It

So, in my last blog entry, I told you a little bit about me. I don't think this really told you who I am as a person. I don't think any amount of telling you about me could really show you who I really am either.

I feel like there's so many layers with different personalities and things to say that explaining myself could take days, even years.

Besides, I don't really know who I am yet, anyway.

I am a writer. I know that. But I don't want to seem like that's all I am. I want people to know that there's an actual person here, behind that story that they can't get enough of. I want them to know that I'm not all about the characters—that I'm not a character at all. That I'm a human being with feelings and thoughts that aren't just imagined by someone else.

I really wish I knew more about myself than random facts, but people tell me that these random facts can help you learn a lot about a person.

Take for example that my favorite color is silver. How many people do you know that's favorite color is silver? Not many, in my opinion. (Mostly because nobody ever picks it where I live.) So, this suggests that I'm different from a lot of people in my hometown. Now for the reason that I like silver is because it's a very complex color. It's most commonly known as second place for awards. To me this suggests that someone might be trying their hardest, but still okay with not being the best. Silver is also never appreciated in value. Silver costs a lot more than gold, though no one seems to care about that fact. I guess that this would suggest that I'm a gold digger, correct? (The truth is I wouldn't mind having a lot of money to spare, but I'd rather know that I worked for it instead of having it handed to me.)

Okay, so, I still haven't gotten around to explaining to you why it is that I like silver. Well, as I stated before, it's a very complex color. It represents hard working people that have given it their all, even if it's not the best in the world or city or state or anything at all.

I like the black panther for its fierceness and for being so unique.

Well, what else do I like?

I like music because of it's self-expression.

I like my baby, Piggy (who is a cat), because she reminds me a lot of myself, and likes me in turn very much.

I like writing fantasy because I have always believed in what people have constantly told me isn't real. Like werewolves, and vampires, and witches, and Santa Claus. I believe all of those things are real, and very cleverly hidden from our societies.

I like wriitng humor because it's an amazing feeling making someone else happy. Even if it is just for a moment, it means the world to me.

I like writing teen fiction because, well, I am a teen. (Lame reason, I know, but it's the truth.)

I love my best friends, Rebecca and Jessica, because I know that I can count on them when I need them. I love my brother and sisters because, well, they're all just so darn adorable and just about the best kids you'll ever meet. My mom is my role model because she's done so much for me and my sister. I love my Nana for her honesty.

I wish that there was more that I could tell you, but I can't really think of anything.

Aly Cat
June 10th, 2012 at 06:30pm