Be you already!

so here's the thing. This guy I know, is lost. He feels like he has to change himself to please other people. He like, refuses to believe me every time I say he's amazing. I'm the only one that knows him. The REAL him. I've helped him through so much and he has helped me. I kinda depend on him to keep me sane. But now he's changing on me. And I can't lean on him anymore. So BE YOU!!!!! If you aren't yourself, you can't be happy. And who knows, maybe you being you is what is keeping someone else alive. You need to be yourself. You can't lose yourself. It will bring you down so deep you will have trouble coming back up. And when you actually want to be the real you, you want be able to find him/her. So this is a brief blog and it's my first but I needed to get this of my chest. So BE YOU FUCKING GOD DAMMIT!!! Uggggh I just want you all to get that message. And I'll be talking about this guy quite alot and his name shall be a secret so we will cal him....Rick. I guess. It's the first name that came up so... Yeah. BE YOU
June 13th, 2012 at 08:05am