
So, as I was reading over my previous stories to start updating them again, came to the conclusion that I did not like how most of them were going, I didn't know where else to go, or I just did not like them anymore. I was thinking about deleting some of them. But which ones, since I know some of you might be readers. I know for sure I'm going to be keeping "If Only Life Came With Theme Music" since that one seems to be my most popular one. As for the stories I've done or are doing with other authors, I'll have to talk to them about those ones. I've grown as a writer since I've been on here, so if I keep one of my stories, I might do some minor changes to previous chapters; fixing any spelling or grammatical errors, etc. Not enough that it would change the whole concept of the story. I know you guys have been dealing with me for a while now, and I just ask you deal with me for a little while longer as I figure everything out. Once I decide what stories I'm going to keep, I'll post another blog letting you guys know. Then after that, I'm going to be writing out at least two chapters of each story so I can have stuff to post.

If you have any suggestions on what stories to keep, or if you just have a suggestion as to how a story should go, either comment on here, or send me a message. It doesn't really matter what way. It's whatever you prefer.

June 13th, 2012 at 04:35pm