im dying my hair blue

well the tips of my hair blue. :) here is why

dusty: you wanna live together, and sleep together, and me pay half the bills, but you dont want a realationship?!?!? not. i want a boyfriend, not A ROOMMATE. so this is for u. if we arent dating then you shouldnt care about what i do. im dying my hair blue., yes this is childish. idc. honestly im doing it for me and damn it feels good not to care for once, fuck you.

grow up? no. im 18, you knew how old i was when we got together. weather i acted older or not i told u my age and u said u didnt care. your 25 now yes, so what? im not 25 im 18. and i will act however i damn please.

yes im a mother now. that doesnt mean i cant dye my hair funky colors or ride the bikes in walmart. i wish u could love me for me. instead you wanna change me. you cant dusty. this is me. why cant u understand that. i dont wear makeup, half the time i wont brush my hair, i paint my nails 5 different colors and i bite my tongue ring on a regular basis. so what? i love myself. i have a beer gut going on. and stretch marks from my Izzy-boo but really...i think im beautiful. glad i think so bc i never hear it from you. you never call my pretty or compliment me anymore. i need a realationship. i need someone to love me and stand by me. i need someone to accept me for who i am.

so when you come home tonight and bitch at going to smile and proudly say "Fuck You." phew...feels good to get all this off my chest :)

thank you mibba :) i <3 u.
June 14th, 2012 at 02:07am