I have a problem.....

A Loki problem. I am totally obsessed with Tom Hiddleston's version of Loki because (-blush-) he just does it so damn well! I mean, oh my demigod! (-fans self-) Loki was always my favorite god in Norse mythology, and just damn, Tom Hiddleston does it so fucking well (and, might I add, must I add, so deliciously sexy!) And at the end of Thor when he (SPOILER ALERT in case you haven't seen the movie) let go of the staff and fell, the face just before that, the look of sheer childlike vulnerability and hurt just made me melt! I was like, NO! I would totally have caught him and cuddled him until he felt better. ;D

On that note, I have like a billion Thor/Avengers stories bouncing around in my noggin. (even thought I still haven't seen The Avengers yet '-_- but I'm totally gonna see it on Sunday, so fucking yay!!!)

I am so into Loki right now, but I could easily switch back to Captain America/Steve Rogers for one story idea I have, though that could work with Loki too, but I can't even imagine how the story would go, much less actually write it since I haven't seen The Avengers, which is when the story would take place, so maybe after Sunday.

And for those of you reading this and thinking "What the fuck about A Different Turn Of Events? When the hell are you going to work on that?" I have an answer: "Errr..... soon?" I'm so sorry, I'm just totally blocked on that; I'm still debating the whole Shane thing, and now I'm debating on whether or not to move the rating up to NC-17 and throw in a little Ali/Daryl action since I got the vibe from at least one commenter that wants it. ;P So if you have any opinions (any at all) on that matter, comment (here or on the story) or just PM me if you'd rather not have it all out in the open like that, I don't mind, just let me know what it is you're talking about so we're on the same page. xP

Oh, oh, oh! And for those of you that haven't seen Thor, if you have Netflix, it's on Instant Queue! (which probably isn't helping my Loki obsession since I can watch him whenever the hell I feel like it :D)

And yes, for those paying attention, I did just admit to being obsessed with Loki; I am totally not above admitting that I obsess over fictional characters on a regular basis, because I totally do, and anybody that knows me already knows that, and I really don't care what people think about that, so meh. :)

And for those that are paying extra special close attention, yes, I switch obsessions rapidly and on a total whim. ;)

It was once Harry Potter characters (Draco Malfoy; the Weasley twins, yes, individually and together ;) ; Neville Longbottom, because who can resist the pudgy-turned-sexy-badass-but-still-totally-adorably-nervous character? And probably others I can't even think about right now, such as, but not limited to, Severus Snape, Sirius Black, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnegan, etc.)
For a short time before that I was obsessed with InuYasha (which is actually the first thing I ever wrote in the fan fiction genre)
Then there was Stargate SG-1 (though that was totally limited to Daniel Jackson)
Stargate Atlantis (mostly Ronon Dex, but also a little bit of John Sheppard, Major Lorne, and even the teensiest bit of Rodney McKay)
Also there was The Boondock Saints (pretty obvious since I have fiction of it, and yes, I am a total Murphy MacManus addict, but I do also greatly enjoy Connor MacManus, even both at the same time ;) though not with each other because I find that to be odd, just more of a threesome thing because, hey, they share everything ;D )
The Walking Dead (also obvious, Daryl Dixon definitely, a little bit of Shane Walsh when he's turned all good, even slight Glenn, but more in a "he's-totally-adorable" way than a "he's-really-hot" way)
Thor (Loki, 'cause duh, I was just talking about that, and though I could see how Thor is attractive, I'm just more of a Loki kinda girl ;) )
Captain America (Steve Rogers because he's fucking adorable and totally drool worthy at the same damn time as I think only he could really ever manage)
Iron Man (yes, I do have a slight thing for Tony Stark, because, really, who the fuck doesn't love Tony? Even if he is narcissistic)
The Avengers (even though I haven't seen it; the aforementioned Loki, Captain America/Steve Rogers, and Tony Stark, and then a bit of Hawkeye/Clint Barton and a teensy bit of Bruce Banner because Mark Ruffalo is awesome)

I'm sure that's not all (and I must say, if you actually read that all, I don't give a fuck who you are, I totally fucking love you!) but that's pretty much off the top of my head, which is hilarious considering there's so much.

On a completely different note, my coffee is yicky. >.< I don't really know why, but it has an odd aftertaste, and it's disgustingly cold, which actually usually doesn't bother me, but right now it does, so meh. :(

Also, I jacked a pair of my mom's headphones that I know she never would've used (they aren't the kind she likes) and I totally love them! For one, the right side bass actually works because I haven't blown it (yet... >.>), they're black instead of white (though I love my old pair because they had purple), and, most importantly, they're not fucking broken! Woohoo! Lol, I had the old pair for nearly three years, so they're pretty trashed.

And on another completely different note, my training didn't pass day 1 and my diet didn't even make it that far. '-_- I talk a big game, but I am so fucking lazy it's not even funny, plus I used my muscle soreness as an excuse. Maybe I'll workout today, but no guarantees and I kinda doubt it.

Also, I went bowling yesterday! 'Twas awesome, my mom and I played 10 games in a row. xD My right bicep is slightly sore (I'm right handed) and my thumb is still swollen, but I don't even care, I love bowling. ^_^

And I think that's all I have to say (yes, I know, you're cheering in your seat right now ;P), at least for now. So I hope you have a great morning/afternoon/night, whatever it is wherever you are. In fact, I hope you have a great life, because great lives are awesome and I wish them upon everyone. :)
June 14th, 2012 at 05:25pm