50 Years

A few weekends ago was my Grandparents 50th wedding annaversire. It made me realize I want a relationship like that.

Liking the boy who lives across the street, who is only a year older. Growing up together since little kids. Waiting for him while he is in another country fighting for us. Not getting married because i am in love with him. When he comes home wearing his dogtag. Telling him I love him. Moving in together, then getting married. Having little children with him. Raising those children. always being there through anything. Watching our children grow up and leave, then have children of their own. Taking our grandchildren to the park and goin on the swings. Loving eachother like the first time.

I want to be able to call that my relationship.

Being married for 50 years is honestly a blessing and I wish that someday I am lucky enough to be that blessed.
June 15th, 2012 at 04:32am