So. Wanna Know A Secret?

Well... Do you?

Well I'll tell you. I have a conscience. But not like all you others. Mine's a person. An imaginary friend if you will. If you've read True Darkness you'll be familiar with Ashton Noire. Well that's him. Ashton doesn't actually have a last name but due to circumstances beyond my control I had to give him a last name in the story. He approves of my choice though. Well I invented him for a book I was writing before the one I'm writing now. Anyway. He's a baddy. But I'm re-vamping it this year before I send it off so who knows you might read about him for yourself soon.

Anyway this is going to make me sound crazy. But I chat with him a lot. He's literally my conscience. I argue with him all the time. He helps me decide what ideas I want to include in my book, he helps me decide what decision's I want to make, he helps me not attack every scumbag who slags off my Mum. He's awesome. He has Mother issues and a serious attitude problem but he's lovely. He's easy to handle anyway. All I have to do is threaten to delete him ahaha.

SO yeah. He's awesome. You all probably think I'm crazy. But I'm not. He just helps me think clearer. There's too many thoughts in my head for one person so I can deal with em better if they're in two heads.

But yeah I'm weird haha. You can ask me a question to ask him. I'll make sure he answers it. You can ask me questions about him and I'll let ya know. He really is awesome. But I don't go around talking to myself aloud. I'm not THAT weird. Instead I just think it. We have awesome conversations. So yeah.

THANKS FOR READING! Ashton say's night.

See ya! - Emily.
June 15th, 2012 at 11:36pm