Ugh. Summer. Hurryyyyyy.

So I'm still in school.

Well, in all technicality, today was my last official day of school. I have finals in four of my classes--five, sorry--on Monday and Tuesday. I have Spanish, then in Drama we're performing our last test grade. Tuesday is Algebra 2 and American Studies and Yearbook. For the last one, all I have to do is sit there for an hour and a half doing nothing but playing computer games and chatting with others in the class.

And in nine days, Upward Bound starts and I get to start being forced to be social again. All I want is some time to myself, Goddamit!

1. How often do you want to take personal time?
2. What are your plans for the summer?
3. What classes are you taking next year/semester?
June 16th, 2012 at 01:42am