True Facts

Okay people here's what's going down, ever so often I will post a few funny but true facts/one liners up until I have reached 101. I will post some today, Saturday June 16, 2012, to show you how I will be doing this, some you may have heard before, some you may have not, some I thought up, some I have found in various places... enjoy. (:

1. We all have those random shirts in our closet that we never wear, but are too lazy to get rid of.

2. Seaweed: 50% Sea 50% Weed: That's why Spongebob is always happy.

3. Stupid used to be a bad word when you were little.

4. Feeling alone and unliked is the worst feeling in the world.

5. When you don't know the title of a song, you might as well type as many words as you can that you can remember on Google just to know what the title is.

6. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.

7. Many tabs open. Don't know which one is playing music.

8. Boobs are like the sun... it's okay to look, but dangerous to stare... but that's what sunglasses are for. :)

9. Women who love a guy who can make them laugh.

10. Summer is for sleeping in, doing nothing all day, going to hang out with friends at night, staying up til 3 a.m., then repeating this.

11. They say milk gives you strength, drink 10 glasses of milk and try and move a wall. You can't. Drink 10 shots of vodka and the wall moves by itself.

12. Batman's parents are dead. Spiderman's parents are dead. Superman's parents are dead... I know what I must do.

13. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you stupid. I thought you already knew.

14. Do Pokemon say their name or are they named after what they say?

15. IT'S NOT YOLO!!! It's Hakuna Matata.

16. Your face, I like that shit.

17. The first time I laid my eyes upon you, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life avoiding you.

18. Not every girl is a whore in this day and age, some are nuns.

19. You learn a lot of things from a high person.

June 16th, 2012 at 03:07pm