New Here(:

Hi everyone !! the name's mckenzie .. you can call me .. MCKENZIE xD

I'm new tO mibba .. i'm luving the site so far.. i am a avid writer/reaader and have been ever since i can remember !! i luv to live laugh love every day .

my faovirte song of all time is our song by taylor swift(:

i luv music and writing but u now wat i luv even more !>


i have 2 hoarses , theyre names are cyndy and lindsey (cus it rhymes with mckenzie !) and i ride every weekend most of the time but now that its sumemr i can ride them whenever i want 2 ! i luv hoarses so much this si mostly what i lyk to read n write about to .. so except to c plenee of stories by me bout hoarses n such(:

if ur interestd in hoarses n equine things pls hmu !(:

June 17th, 2012 at 02:20am