ha! and you think you got drama~!

ok so.... here's been my year so far

1. get freaked out by guy i really like, and who has been my best friend for about 5 years now, he got sent to the hospital due to his disease, calls me up and thanks me for being by him for so long, i go visit him, and see the IV's in his arms and heart... he smiled up at me, and i had to leave the room before i cried, then went back into the room and tried to make him laugh

2. guy i like comes over, we talk, and walk around the yard (it's a pretty big yard) i make him laugh too hard and he started coughing and began to throw up...

3. i find out that he's in love with 2 twins, my other friend thinks that he's stupid for not noticing how much i like him, and confronts him about it...

4. didn't talk for weeks, till i heard the computer ringing, then talked to him on skype, he showed me what he had to do for his CF, the procedure scarred me half to death.

5. go back to school, to get a call from him, and hear that he's back in the hospital, and "could use a laugh". we joke around, and hours later, admits that i'm the only one he seems to call when he needs to talk to someone..

6. he comes over and threatens to tell my mom about the bad grade i got. i stressed over that for about 3 months.

7. 38, oh wait... 39, year old brother moves back in

8. the guy i like graduates, i panic at the last few minutes because i could't find him in the crowd, and he was my only ride home, tears begin to swell in my eyes, then he calls, and tells me to meet him over by the ticket booth, there i see him.. standing with a very pretty girl... who's the same size.. he introduces me to her, he claims he's told me about her before, but i never heard a word about her till now, he tells her that i have a horrible memory, but mentions her everytime... but she's never heard a word about me..., he says that she's cute and introduced me to her as his best friend since 7th grade, i smiled nervously... and tuned out of their conversation, we get to his car, after saying good-bye to the pretty girl. once in i say "she's pretty cute, so is she your girl friend? i had to pause because i found my throat tightening. he keeps driving and says, "well we've been planning to date" i manage to mutter out in a slightly off pitch tone, "you guys would make a pretty cute couple".. he grinned, and said " yeah, i think she and i would, she's my same size, and i know her because she visits me at the hospital." i felt my smile twinge as i said "oh so you've known her for a while?" he looks at me for a breif moment, "well not as long as i've known you. but she's super sweet, and kind.." i made some stupid jokes as we drove the rest of the way, but hiding my face in the shadows of the car, as we drove though the night.. praying he wouldn't hear my slightly irregular breaths, or see my now red eyes, and tears streaming down my face.

that's my drama, how about your new years drama?
June 17th, 2012 at 06:53am