Dorks/Nerds/That General Type

I'm totally supposed to be finishing homework right now for this summer camp, but as usual, I'm on the internet and completely distracted with everything and anything. I was like, "Hey, I haven't been on mibba in forever, I should go post something so I can spend the next few hours hoping for comments." So here I am.

Today, for father's day, we drove into Louisville to see my grand-dad and go out for a bit. We ended up at a bookstore, where I found this completely ridiculous, and yet totally sweet book I've seen before and few times but have never actually really looked at. King Dork. I read it all the way home and I'm almost done with it, and it's one of those things that really gets you thinking.
I'm friends with a bunch of guys who go to school with me who are a bit less than social. They're the ones on academic team, the ones who talk about video games and joke about politics all the time, and they really don't care what anyone thinks, it seems. You could call them nerds. You could call them dorks. The truth is, like the rest of us, they're people. But I've seen them refer to themselves as dorks and geeks and such a few times. I like to read things where it's in the perspective of guys like that. I just want to know, is what I'm reading really how guys think or is it a bunch of dramatized memories from middle-aged men?

And before you read on, keep in mind that I'm not claiming to know anything about people or guys or anything else, really. I'm just giving my view and asking for feedback.

A lot of it's been they're unpopular, they're so rejected. And yet they seem to hate everyone they're around. So really, they're doing just as much of the rejecting? They know they're smart and they seem to act like everyone else is just an idiot without even giving them a chance. They call them pod-robots, they act like all the girls have bleach blonde hair and fake tans, they act like everyone who they see as being in the popular crowd is just a total neanderthal mentally.
I've read a lot of them where they go on about how abused they are. And then they never once mention an actual confrontation or incident of bullying or anything. It's mostly that no one talks to them, or they get some looks and giggles. Whatever, everyone gets that.

And then the thing with the girls is really where a lot of my thinking focuses, of course. They claim to just want a girl who would give them a chance, who would see them for who they are. And then they pretty much seem to see the girls that will talk to them as whatevers. Meh. They aren't good enough. It isn't even that, it's like, they're ignored a little. Like they aren't seen as being dating options at all. A lot of it is these guys want the stereotypical cheerleader type, with the perfect body and perfect face and all. They want long hair and a tight stomach and big boobs. What about a girl who is in their league, has a decent personality *not saying cheerleaders don't have decent personalities*, has maybe a more different look and doesn't have an amazing body? Not saying she'd even have to be fat, or chubby or super skinny or anything, but like, what if she was even just kind of average?
I won't claim to not be like that too though. We all want beautiful people. We all want to be with the best. For me, though, if I ever somehow DID end up with a really really cute guy, I don't think I'd like it. It would be too much like a celebrity crush, I think. Or maybe I'd just feel insignificant.

So I'm reading this book and all these thoughts are going in my head and I realize that I'm only thinking, I honestly don't have a clue what guys, of any type, think of anything. So I'm looking for answers. Comment? Explain to me what it's really like? Sorry if I sounded offensive at all in any of this, I don't mean to be rude or anything
June 18th, 2012 at 05:37am