Story Updating Schedule

Okay, I've come up with something to make it easier on the both of us; me and whomever might be reading this. Each story I write, excluding ones I co-write, will be updated once a week on a certain day. That gives me time to write a few chapters. This will be starting 6/24/2012.

So far, this is how it will go;
Sunday; writing day
Monday; Summer Heat
Tuesday; If Only Life Came With Theme Music
Wednesday; The Tainted Clock Is Counting Down (To the Stage sequel)
Thursday; nothing yet
Friday; nothing yet
Saturday; writing day

As for my other stories, I haven't quite figured out if I still liked them, so I don't know if I'll be updating those. Thank you for dealing with me this long.

June 19th, 2012 at 07:24pm