A million and one reasons why I am Happy.... + questions and an update of My life

At the moment, I have so many things that have put me in a good mood, which, considering my past school life, is pretty rare for me. Below are some of these reasons:
1 - All my exams are over, so therefore I have no revision left to do, and no homework, so for the next 2 and a half months I can do absolutely nothing, but relax, do some more writing, and chill with my closest friends, some of which I haven't see for over a year! Whooop! :D
2 - Its 9 days until our school prom, and I'm really really excited! I tried my dress on again yesterday, and I love it. Its going to be sad seeing as its the last time the Etone Class of 2007-2012 is going to be together, but its gonna be awesome :D
3 - Things are on the up...me and the lad I like are back to how we used to be. We've discussed things a lot the past few days, after being distant since we left school. We're now back to being close friends like we were, and I'm hoping, that our friendship might go further....who knows? :)

An update of My Life:
1 - Now I've left school, I'm gonna be on mibba, a bit more often, and I'm working on some more stuff; a story and some fresh poems....watch this space ^.^
2 - In July, not only have I got taster days for my new 6th form colleges, but I'm also taking my music theory and practical exam for piano/keyboard on the same day as one of them... HELP! :P wish me luck guyss :)
3 - Summer Is going to be Awesome! Ideal opputunity for me to meet up with people who I'm never gonna see again, have left behind, and close friends who I haven't seen since May last year, but have still spoken to and kept in touch with...Gonna have to plan it though :P

1 - Are you musical? If so, what instruments can you play?
2 - You got any important exams coming up, or, like me have you finished school?
3 - Are you working on any new material for mibba?
4 - could you lovely people please read some of my poems on mibba, and give me some comments? Need some critical feedback :)
June 19th, 2012 at 08:20pm