
I guess I'm just trying out this blog thing for the fun of it. I don't really have much else to do at this time. I'm sitting in a library waiting on my mother to finish her shit and my sister is playing a preschool game on another computer. yea, my life sucks. haha.

I had a job for a while. But I quit. Now I'm thinking about standing on street corners and begging. Maybe I'll make enough to see Hinder in a couple months. I sure do miss my boys.

I relasped the other day. I cut myself five time, four on the leg, once on the arm. The one on the arm bled the most. I've managed to play them off as cat scratches, but in a way I'm still ashamed that I even let it happen again. Maybe someday I'll be fully recovered and i won't keep cutting the fuck out of myself.

Somehow I doubt that I'll ever be able to do it.

Well, feel free to check out my work. It's the one thing besides Hinder that makes me feel better anymore, and I surely would adore some feedback.

June 19th, 2012 at 09:24pm