Story layout makers, I need your help! + Questions/Opinions?

So I've started a new story. I have the prologue that I sent off to a beta, I have a wonderful banner that was made for me, and I've got ideas of where to take it.

Problem? I can't figure out this new story layout editor and it's driving me up the wall.
I can't fix the gap between the banner and the context.

I've tried fooling around with the padding but it doesn't work. It's giving me one hell of a headache.

I'm seriously OCD about these sort of things. I will go completely batty until it's solved.

Yes, I have issues. I'm aware of this.

Anyway, if one of you wonderful Mibbians could help me out, I would be forever in your debt.

Optional questionnaire:

1.) What are your thoughts on the layout/banner (aside from the obvious gap)?

2.) Thoughts on the summary?

3.) Does out look like something you might read?

4.) Can you help with the layout? {side note: if needed, I can add you as an author temporarily or give you the banner & background links and you can start over....}

Seriously desperate for help. So trade for story comment? ::shifty:
June 20th, 2012 at 06:20pm