Horrible Human Being

I feel horrible! And guilty.

I'm a 19 year old girl and I just looked through my mom's stuff like a little kid!
I was looking for the present she will give me when I graduate (which is in a week).
I looked through her purse, I looked in her drawers, her closet, I even looked under the bed! Nothing!
How on earth can she hide it so well?

Actually, I don't even think she's hiding it, because why would she? Her daughter is 19 years old and mature (or so she thought), so the present is probably somewhere obvious but I'm just too dumb to find it. Great.

Then I thought: maybe it's something from the internet, and it just haven't arrived yet.

So I checked her email (her password was so easy to guess) to see if she had ordered anything!

And I'm not even looking because I can't wait... It's not because I'm excited. I'm afraid she bought something specific that I really don't want her to buy. But I think she might would...

I feel horrible. I'm a horrible human being!
I EVEN HACKED HER EMAIL! What's wrong with me?

Please tell me that you also do that, even though you're too old (looking for the presents, not hacking people's email accounts)?

- Ree
June 20th, 2012 at 11:09pm