Oh, Hey Summer.

So today it was about a million degrees.
I mean I work in a restaurant so I might be exaggerating, but it was 90-something outside, and hotter in the store front. Yesterday too. I'm pretty sure I've sweated my entire body weight the last two days, which is gross, but whatever.

But my living room is pitch black (yay black out curtains!) and all of the bright lights (like the tv and my computer) were murdering my eyes, and I was trying to write. So, disgruntled, I wondered outside, where it's not quite dark and it's perfect. As in, it's probably 75 and not windy and just perfect.
It's supposed to thunderstorm but everything right now is calm.
Except for the birds in the tree above me that are bitching about something. And there's frogs in the pond also bitching about something, but it's better than listening to my father snore and dealing with the heat that's still going on inside my house.

I don't usually bring my computer outside. I have some kind of phobia about destroying it by letting it touch grass, but I'm so glad I did this.

Summer is finally here and it's beautiful. I mean the sun went down but it's still light out even though it's almost 9, and the sky is still blue and perfectly clear.


I'm going on vacation for a week on Saturday. I hope it's nice there too, but the forcast says thunderstorms pretty much every day. Which wont' be so bad, I'll be on the ocean so I might get to watch a thunderstorm over the ocean which is something that the photographer in me is dying to see.

I don't know why I 'm blogging. I just needed to say. I'm outside, and I'm writing, and it's amazing.
I need to do this more often.
June 22nd, 2012 at 02:49am