The very good mood continues... :)

Why, you may ask? Well, one of the reasons is, its 5 days til the school prom! :D I am soo ridiculously excited, its unreal :P Though, I guess its also quite a sad occasion too, as its the last time I will see a good proportion of my year group again :/
I absolutely adore my dress though! Its soo pretty:


Its gonna be a great night on Thursday night, and, after the event, I may just post a blog on here with some of my pictures on it, from the night :')

My Prom Bag:


On monday and tuesday, I have to go back into school - but I actually don't care, as I'm in charge of organising the seating arrangements for the prom, and doing all the place cards and stuff :D

1 - Did you ever have a prom when you left school/leaving school?
2 - What have you got to look forward to in the next week?

[Ps, could any of you who have spare time on their hands, please read some of my poetry, and give me some comments/feedback please?]
June 23rd, 2012 at 12:19pm