Pregnancy scare.

So, I have a Mirena IUS. I know it is just so unlikely to happen. But Daniel was so worried that it planted the seed of doubt in my mind. I could feel my strings. But I made him buy a test anyway. I've been so worried.

I am not in anyway ready to be a mother. I love babies, my maternal instinct is crazy. But I'm not the healthiest mentally right now. And you should't take my medication I need to get out of bed in the morning while you're pregnant. I'm the least physically healthy I've ever been. And I only have £40 to my name. And Daniel doesn't want to be a father yet. I'm seventeen.

So, long story short, I've moped around the forums all week begging for cuddles and sympathy and literally worried myself sick, which convinced me even more. But anyway. It was the most anxious three minutes of my life. I didn't realise we'd been holding our breath until it flashed "not pregnant" and we both exhaled.

So anyway, pissing on a stick is really really hard! I think I have peeing-performance-anxiety. I've learnt not to let my imagination get so carried away with me. And now I think I have a bit more faith in the Mirena. It feels weird not having to think about it.. I spent four years on the pill having to think about it every day, and now I haven't got to think about it until 2017.

Daniel has been so lovely. I know full well he doesn't want a baby. And he knows full well I'd keep it if I had been up the duff. Then we had a celebratory spliff. Then we cwtched for ages. Then my relief crashed and he didn't judge me for my slight 1% of disappointment.

The "We're Not Having A Baby, YAY!" sex afterwards was the best though.
June 25th, 2012 at 02:58am