My World Is Flipping Out of Control! (I wish I had a Black-Hole to Jump into!)

Today is Monday, June 25th. I'm going to be posting the link to this blog on my profile in case you guys were (are) wondering where I am.

Well, Karma finally caught up to us and we're being forced out of our house. Which means that I'm going to Missouri with my mom and my sister (and my brother, depending on whether or he goes to live with his dad instead).

But, having to leave my house also means that I no longer have internet on my computer. Mibba doesn't work on my cell phone but Twitter and email do.

While I'm away I'll try and write updates but there's a lot going on right now. Today I have to pack all my things into boxes like my things don't mean anything. Tomorrow I have to move the boxes and the rest of my house into a 10 x 14 storage space about 15 minutes away from the house I have to leave.

And the next day, I'm pretty sure that my mom is backing us kids, our dogs, our cats, our bird, and our gerbils into the car so that we can head to her friend's house in Springfield, Missouri. (Anyone live there? Does it suck? Because from my point of view, it's not the best place in the world.)

OH! And did I mention that I just found out about all of this when I woke up? About two hours ago. Today, I've gone with my mom to get a Uhaul, a storage space, and some boxes that previously held bananas that I now have to pack my precious books and XBox into.


But about the updates, I don't know when I'll be able to post anything for you guys. I know I was just getting back into the swing of things, but I'm not going to have internet here (Because we're leaving and because I have to disconnect the router and pack it up), and I don't know when I'm going to get internet in Missouri.

And on top that, there's still a chance that we don't go to Missouri and we figure out how to live in our car instead. Going from a four bedroom ranch house to a four door car...

You get the point. This isn't my best day.

I'm sorry about the updates, guys. I know you were just getting into them and enjoying reading them. I wish this wasn't happening so I could keep updating for you. I'm really sorry.

If you want to contact me, I have Twitter on my phone and it (usually) works.

SoSickOfMaddi - Twitter - Email

Today is Saturday, June 30th. 1:17 AM

The dates got pushed back. Instead of trying to move everything in just three days, my mom gave us until Monday (two days) to get everything moved into a storage space by my best friend's house. And then we head down to Missouri.

Also, my brother has decided to move ten hours away with us. My mom gave my gerbils to a pet shop. My friends are all freaking out and trying to see me every minute of the day. My family is really sad. My mom's stressed. I'm stressed. We're all stressed.

Mini-rant over.

Tonight I finally repacked everything that I'll be taking to Missouri with me. Three back packs and one suitcase. My entire life reduced to four small bags. I'm obviously not thrilled that I have to leave my guitar/amp and my drum set in storage.

(But I managed to get Mom to let me bring my Ronnie Radke poster and Xbox!!) I'm also bring the Shiver series and "The Fault in our Stars" by John Green.

I'm going to miss my books. Dx

What I've been doing between packing: Saying Goodbye to my Best Friends.
June 25th, 2012 at 09:09pm