Opinions on songfic? // Beautiful compliments.

I've been lurking around the writing contests forum for a while and entering everything that brings me inspiration, but my latest idea is for a songfic contest, and I had a question. For my story to work the way I want it to, I feel like I would really have to match the text with specific time-points in the song, and the only way I can think to do that is to actually include the lyrics between paragraphs.

I was wondering what you guys thought about that. Like, every time I've seen this done it makes the fic look really amateur and shatters the flow of the piece. Does anyone have ideas or suggestions on how to do this tastefully, or at least in a way that doesn't seem really obnoxious? :/


In other news, a couple of people have almost made me cry with their lovely reviews for my oneshot, The Fisherman. They're being so wonderful and nice to it, which I'm really, really grateful for. I spent a lot of time on it and I literally have ten drafts of it saved on my computer, so I was really scared that after all my hard work, people would hate it. They didn't!

Even Kurtni left me a supersweet message about it, which nearly gave me a heart attack, since I have mad respect for everyone on Mibba staff. And she gave me probably the best compliment I've ever received in my life: "You have such a great handle on classic, gothic imagery. ... Faulker and Poe would be proud." I really did almost start crying at that. What a beautiful thing to say to someone. (Thank you, Kurtni!)

I'm just really glad people are enjoying what I wrote. It means a lot to an author to hear that their work is appreciated. Thank you to everyone who took the time to leave me a lovely review, it really does make my day.
June 26th, 2012 at 03:30am